Saturday 8 October 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011 - Cooking School

Yummy Balinese cooking today!  We made sweet and sour salad, nasi goring, chicken satay and peanust sauce.  Yummy!!

The tour gang at cooking school.

First we started of with a drink of Hibiscus tea.  Take three red hibiscus flowers (remove the stamen as they can sometimes be toxic), pour boiling water on top. Steep for less than 3 minutes, the colour will be very dark red, almost black.  Take out the petals, add some lime juice and the colour will change to a beautiful red colour.
Variety of fresh herbs and spices used in Balinese cooking.

Then we looked at different spices and ingredients commonly used in Balinese cooking.  They usually have four different flavours together - salty, sweet, spicy, and sour.  One ingredient that they use a lot of is shrimp paste, which is fermented shrimp.  It smells very strong and has a very distinct flavour.  (I must admit I could avoid it!)  Another very distinctive flavour is tamarind, which we would use perhaps a tablespoon of, they use huge amounts of it fresh.

Our delicious meal!

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