Monday 12 October 2015

Sunday Wind Up

Sunday morning we had our last five presenters. Our newest FAN member, Karlie, blew us away. She has been taking her Masters in Art at U Victoria.  We viewed Her video, which was part of her thesis and then we saw the three pieces in her series. They are amazing - each of the three having small piecing details with added mediums, one on each quilt of; clay, plastic and metal. Wow!!

Carol from Campbell River presented a slide show of a year in her life. She and her husband live on their boat in the summer and then take a trip to Hawaii each winter. Her husband is a gourmet chef and has his own Boston Pizza restaurant. Her works are famous for being three dimensional with lots of thread painting. She sells small pieces at three different marinas on the island. 

Jenny also gave us a run down of her past year. She and her husband live inLacLeJeune in the summer and go to North Carolina in the winter. She spoke highly of her learning opportunities at JC Campbell Folk School and San Miguel de Allunde. In her piece for Ekphrastic she merged two photos on "Justaposer" transferred them thru Waterlogue to a free program Block Posters. Com to get an expandable image that can then be printed out on 8X10 sheets that she puts together and uses with a light box to paint freehand with a whole cloth of cotton sateen. 

Margie described her year of healing after her bicycle accident. She ended up doing more fabric art commissions than she expected, but they helped her to heal. 

Another new member, Jan, ended off our presentations. At the age of six she was struck by three childhood diseases all at once leaving her deaf. She now has a colocear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other. She put up a 13 panel piece called Seven Continents and Five Oceans. I was able to get a photo of it!!

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