Saturday 3 August 2013

Carding the New Fleece

If people today understood how time consuming making a woollen garment was they would never throw clothes out!!

I began the process of carding and spinning the new fleeces that we cleaned at Lisa's last week. There are a lot of seeds and small pieces of straw in the fleece that have to come out. I pick through the fleece by hand and then I card it on carding brushes, roll it into rolags, and then spin it.

Each small rolag chunk of fleece takes about 15 minutes to clean, card and spin. That doesn't even count knitting the yarn into a garment. Phew! I love doing it, but I'm glad I don't have to depend on this process to clothe my family!!

A pile of cleaned white fleece.
(About half of a full sheep's fleece.)

Loading the carder brush with fleece locks.

Carding to remove straw, seeds, etc. and to align the fibres.

Rolling the fibres into a rolag to get them off the carders.

One rolag ready to spin.

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