Thursday 16 February 2012

Sunset cruise

Our days have fallen into a relaxed routine. Get up and meet Deb and Fred, who have already walked the beach, for breakfast. Breakfast always begins with fruit, whatever is available, usually pineapple, banana, mango, sometimes oranges, once lychee nuts. Followed by eggs and toast or crepes. Ending with a leisurely coffee.

After breakfast we head out to the beach to find beach loungers. These are made out of rough hewn logs for a frame and sissal twine woven across for sitting / laying on. The twine makes a comfy mattress except it is a bit scratchy, so we cover it with a cushion if we are lucky enough to find them (hot commodity) or towels. There we relax with our books until the gorgeous turquoise water lures us in.

Yesterday afternoon we went on a sunset cruise. We boarded a dhow with two crew and a young man from Malta, on vacation from UN work in Serbia. A beautiful two hour sail with nothing but the sound of wind and surf in our ears!

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