The temperature was 29C with 95% humidity and we were working outside with wool fleece. Just imagine how sweaty and furry we felt!!
Lisa, her friend, Josie, and I triple picked and carded some wool into batts for spinning. Lisa had some white Samoid Husky dog fur that she blended in with some white wool fleece. It looked gorgeous!!
The triple picker and carder, both hand made by Pat Green in BC, are gorgeous tools that make our job easier, but the process is still very time consuming.
I am picking and carding some grey alpaca fleece that I then blend with black merino wool and black silk to make a batt to spin yarn for a cardigan I plan to make for Aaron. Sure hope he cherishes it. It will be an heirloom for sure!!
Lisa is carding on the drum carder. Josie is preparing fleece for the carder on the triple picker. |
Notice the fleece before Josie puts it through the picker. It is packed and dense. After it is through the picker it is separated and lofty fluff. Easy to card with! |
Lisa is taking a batt off the carder. |
Lisa's gorgeous batts of wool and dog hair. Let the spinning begin!! |